Frequently Asked Questions
For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of the questions most frequently asked of our district and school staff. If you still have questions, we invite you to contact your child’s school or our district office.
Does Ganado USD offer a hot lunch for my child?
Yes! Our Food Services department works hard to provide nutritiously sound meals following the USDA dietary guidelines. For a menu, lunch prices, and applications for free or reduced lunch, visit our Food Services page.
Back to TopWhat happens in the event of an emergency at my child’s school?
Ganado USD trains our school staff and teachers in emergency procedures and regularly practices these procedures with students. An Emergency Plan is available in the front office of every school. In the event of an emergency, we will contact parents and guardians as soon as possible. If your contact information changes, be sure to notify the front office.
Back to TopHow will the district notify families in the event of school cancellation?
Student safety is of utmost importance to us at Ganado USD, and we will cancel school if severe weather conditions exist. If you are unsure of whether school is in session, you may call (928) 755-1005 or listen to KTNN radio in Window Rock. We also provide Alert Now messaging. Check with the school registrar for more information.
Back to TopWhat is the district’s dress code policy?
The governing board recognizes that each student’s mode of dress and grooming is a matter of personal style and individual preference. The district encourages students to take pride in their attire as it relates to the school setting. Students should dress in a manner that positively reflects the educational environment, safety, health, and welfare of themselves and others. The district reserves the right to include additional guidelines for student dress. Please read the student handbook for your child’s school for more information.
Back to TopDoes my child have access to the Internet at school?
We are lucky at Ganado USD to have full access to the Internet on all of our campuses and within all of our classrooms. That said, we take Internet safety very seriously. We require all students to have a signed Internet Acceptable Use Policy agreement on file before they may use the Internet. Teachers distribute this agreement form at the beginning of every school year.
Back to TopIf my child is bullied at school, what can he/she do?
Every student has the right to a safe, quality education in a positive environment. A student may submit any concerns, complaints, and grievances regarding constitutional rights, equal access to programs, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, or personal safety issues directly to the school administrator or to a professional staff member. The administrator or staff member will ask the student to submit a formal complaint pursuant to district policy.
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